I have 3 little baby holland lops that are looking for their forever homes.
They were born December 13th & will be 8 weeks old and ready to go February 7th.
Their mom has the best personality and they do too! They are such lovers and love to lick and got tons of...
Mini Lop Bunnies
25.00 each
Black and Broken Black
Male and Female
**NO pet sales. Please, visit your local shelter and adopt a socialized, litter-trained and neutered PET rabbit. These are breeder, show or meat rabbits. 4-Hers welcome**
Rex (not mini) rabbits:
Pic 1: Blue jr buck
DOB: 08/19/18
Weight: 6.13lbs
This boy has a...
Bunnies for sale! I have been busy due to collage and realize these babies need to find loving homes. Text/call/email me if interested. You can come pick them up from my rabbitry or we can meet somewhere.
Each comes with a bag of food and has a small adoption fee.
Mini-Rex Rabbits are about 4 lbs when fully grown. Often called the "velveteen rabbit", Rex's have a unique fur that feels like a plush toy. Mini-Rex are very laid back and calm which makes them perfect for smaller children.
Great for apartments (easily litter box...
I have baby polish dwarf rabbits available. I also have baby angora dwarf rabbita available. They are 3 months old. Bucks and does.