6 Flemish Tapestry Coffee Mugs Unicorn Dog Rabbits Seymour Mann Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 21 Times
Colorful mugs from Seymour Mann, Inc., "The Hunt of the Unicorn," showing details of the Flemish tapestry. 4" tall. All are in pristinely clean condition, with no nicks, chips, or cracks, and just the slightest bit of wear on the bottoms. There are two mugs of each pattern: unicorn, dog, or rabbits. Total SIX mugs. $14/pair, or all six for $40. Pick up Harlem and Grand in EP, or I can drop them off down 43 as far as Berwyn, or Norwood Park, up as far north as Deerfield, over to Skokie and Evanston area . . .
This classified ad about 6 Flemish Tapestry Coffee Mugs Unicorn Dog Rabbits Seymour Mann related to rabbits for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 21 visitors.