LIKE NEW Portable Solid Metal Aluminum Single Impact Water Sprinkler Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 120 Times
This is one of my TEN DOLLAR ITEM DEALS. Do a search for TEN DOLLAR ITEM DEALS and you will see all of my TEN DOLLAR ITEMS. I will discount $2 for every item you buy, so let's say you like 4 things, the first item is $10, next item is $8, third item is $6, and the fourth item is $4. If you wanted 6 items, the fifth item would be $2, and the sixth item would be FREE !!! So of course, the limit is 6 items of your choice, for $30. This is a Solid Metal Aluminum Single Impact Water Sprinkler in like new condition. I honestly do not think it has even been used before.
This classified ad about LIKE NEW Portable Solid Metal Aluminum Single Impact Water Sprinkler related to mp3 audio was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 120 visitors.