Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for sale Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 70 Times
I have the following Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for sale. I am looking to sell them in bulk instead of splitting them up. Open to a reasonable offer. If you are reading this post, the cards are for sale. The post will be deleted once the cards are sold. Card name: Store price range ( $ ) Heroic Champion - Excalibur 3.03 - 18.97 Submersible Carrier Aero Shark 1.50 ZW-Leo Arms 21.26 Number C6 - Chronomaly Chaos Atlandis 6.31 - 17.36 Number 6 - Chronomaly Atlandis 6.38 - 28.74 Number 8 - Heraldic King Genom-Heritage 2.23 - 8.49 Number 9 - Dyson Sphere 4.70 - 26.30 Number 10 - Illumiknight 1.40 - 16.67 Number 12 - Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja 16.34 Number 15 - Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder 3.40 Number 17 - Leviathan Dragon 16.47 Number 19 - Freezadon 7.31 Number 30 - Acid Golem Of Destruction 17.03 Number 33 - Chronomaly Machu Mech 4.30 Number 34 - Terror-Byte 1.42 Number 39 - Utopia 24.00 Number C39 - Utopia Ray 35.44 Number C39 - Utopia Ray V 31.05 Number C39 - Utopia Ray Victory 7.07 - 27.25 Number 40 - Gimmick Puppet Of Strings 3.14 Number 42 - Galaxy Tomahawk 3.39 Number 48 - Shadow Lich 5.11 Number 56 - Gold Rat 14.97 Number 61 - Volcasaurus 17.80 Number 64 - Ronin Raccoon Sandayu 2.89 Number 69 - Heraldry Crest 1.51 Number 73 - Abyss Splash 16.20 Number C73 - Abyss Supra Splash 15.87 Number C80 - Requiem In Berserk 8.98 - 18.04 Number 88 - Gimmick Puppet Of Leo 3.50 Number C103 - Ragnafinity 21.26 Number 105 - Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus 2.42 Number C105 - Battlin' Boxer Comet Cestus 2.49 Number C107 - Neo Galaxy- Eyes Tachyon Dragon 18.00 I have the following Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for sale. I am looking to sell them in bulk instead of splitting them up. Open to a reasonable offer. If you are reading this post, the cards are for sale. The post will be deleted once the cards are sold.
This classified ad about Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for sale related to law legal services was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 70 visitors.