Arizona Classifieds

Ram sheep breeding stock Phoenix AZ

  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 237 Times


Naturally raised on pasture and mother's milk (not grainfed) heavy, straight-backed Katahdin Rams, 4 months old. Sire and dams registered, from 90farms, Arlington, bloodline. Registration application provided. "Mocha" is dark brown with black & white mask & legs. "Handsome" is white. No antibiotics or hormones. Not exposed to any other sheep besides our small herd. Katahdin sheep are hair sheep and don't require shearing: they shed naturally in Spring. Lamb meat has a mild flavor, tender and delicious. *Also, will have butcher lambs starting July*, contact us for more information.

This classified ad about Ram sheep breeding stock related to ewes for sale was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 237 visitors.

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