Dragoon pigeon $100 each or $180 for two, plus shipping
Palomas Dragón $ 100 cada uno o $ 180 por dos , más el envío
Have breeding pairs or some single males with the price starts at $50 each pigeon. Contact for the pigeons' price and shipping cost information to your state.
I have several homing pigeons that need to be re-homed. I have all colors including blue, mixed, tuxedo and white-mixed available. These are very smart and highly trainable birds.
Price: $4-$12 (depending on color)
Call: show contact info
Tags: pigeons,...
Selling pigeons to reduce overcrowding in my aviary.
polish high flying danzig (black) and polish orlik ( red and white) polish helmet (fairy swallow)white and black. sold for $25 apair .
english carier all colors whites ,reds, black , blue bars . grizle. all...
I'm selling, young, un-sexed Stichelbaut white homers from racing bloodlines. I can ship anywhere. Note: I live in Oregon. See photos of my breeders (not for sale) and an earlier batch of youngsters.
For sale Remington target-thrower in original box plus 134 western white flyer # 305 yellow clay pigeons. There was a full box of 135 but I had to try throwing one. These came out of my father's barn and have been there since the 60's