Arizona Classifieds

Adorable African Grey Parrot & Eggs For Sale Phoenix AZ

  • Price : $5598215276
  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 13 Times

Smiley face 5598215276


Adorable African Grey Parrot & Eggs For Sale.Our parrots are healthy and raised in a pristine clean condition,they are raised in our homes alongside our kids,they are also DNA tested,social,very friendly with kids and other home pets and will make a very good addition to any lovely family. For more information please email us through ( or visit our website Phone Number +1(559) 821 5276 Email:

This classified ad about Adorable African Grey Parrot & Eggs For Sale related to birds for adoption was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 13 visitors.

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Adorable African Grey Parrot & Eggs For Sale.Our parrots are healthy and raised in a pristine clean condition,they are raised in our homes alongside our kids,they are also DNA tested,social,very friendly with kids and other home pets and will make a very good...

Adorable African Grey Parrot & Eggs For Sale.Our parrots are healthy and raised in a pristine clean condition,they are raised in our homes alongside our kids,they are also DNA tested,social,very friendly with kids and other home pets and will make a very good... PETA Warning: Please understand that giving away pets for free is risky. In order to prevent the abuse of animals, a small re-homeing fee will be charged. Please note that the fee is NOT for the pet itself, but just for the...

Colorful Painting with Bird eggs in nest. Measures 21" x 19". Nice gift for yourself or Rental Property Great for any room, above the mantle, sunroom Cash only