Arizona Classifieds

Rare music boxsets, Led Z, CSNY, Floyd... CD boxed sets. Collectable. Phoenix AZ

  • Price : $1
  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 29 Times


I have some estate items for sale.. Special boxed sets for Led Zepplin, Crosby Still Nash and Young, Elton John, Pink Floyd. The LZ is "Atlantic 7 82144-2 4 Compact Disc Set" on the spine box edge. The "CSN" is "Atlantic 7 82319-2 Crosby, Stills & Nash 4-Compact Disc Set" The Elton John is "Elton John, to be continued..." A set of 4 CD's in a box with books. Pink Floyd big set is "Pink Floyd Shine On" It's big with hard-cover book and 9 CD's in the large box. This is $99.00 minimum. Each box has books of information with all 4 CD's they came with. All are in fantastic condition. Open to offers?? I will start the bidding at $25.00 minimum each... But The Floyd is worth much more and I won't let it go for less than $89.00... How about $149.00 for all 4 sets. This is the starting bid..... Or higher offer... These are rare in collectable condition like these are... Thank you very much.

This classified ad about Rare music boxsets, Led Z, CSNY, Floyd... CD boxed sets. Collectable. related to mp3 audio was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 29 visitors.

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