Vintage Dress Coat - 100% Camel Hair - Fleurette - Nordstrom Gallery Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 479 Times
***Please read note at the bottom of this listing. Thank you! For sale is a FABULOUS vintage 1960s winter dress coat by Fleurette of California - Nordstrom Gallery. 100% camel hair. Tan colored. Belt can be removed. No stains, EXCELLENT, like new, condition especially considering its age. Recently dry cleaned. Size small/medium. $120 cash only ***Please text me at the number provided in this listing. Or if you email, PLEASE remember to check your junk mail folder for my Craigslist replies because Craigslist automated email addresses are often mistaken for spam. I always get back to people and usually fairly quickly. So if you haven't heard from me, check your junk mail folder for my response. Thank you!
This classified ad about Vintage Dress Coat - 100% Camel Hair - Fleurette - Nordstrom Gallery related to camels for sale was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 479 visitors.