Xmas stockings for pets. One for a cat and a Peanuts one for a dog. Both in excellent condition like new.
Welsh Corgi puppies. 10 week old. up date on shots and dewormed they are ready for new home. text or call me. text show contact info
Vet checked and currently up to date. 1 male and female. Very friendly puppies with fantastic personality. For more recenr price or details text or call phone is show contact info
Teacup Pomeranian puppies, 1 male and 1 female, AKC Registered,loving, friendly and very playful. Have been raised with children and other pets.text at (201) 688-0570
I am looking to give Tarantulas, Scorpions, Bugs of all kinds, Snakes, and Lizards that people no longer want or can no longer care for a good home. Did your kid bring home something you don't want in your house? Are you just no longer interested in your pet and want...
2 male yorkie puppies, small breed. Both parents 4.5lbs, AKC