Corning Vision Cranberry, Cabalt and Amathyst Cookware Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 452 Times
Corning Vision cookware, Cranberry, Calbalt and Amathyst. Many of the pieces are shown in the photos. On display at Antiques Alley Antiques, 711 Putnam Pike (Rt. 44) Smithfield R.I. 02828. Putnam Pike is Exit 12B on Rt. 295. Follow Rt. 44 West approx. 3 miles to Antiques Alley.
This classified ad about Corning Vision Cranberry, Cabalt and Amathyst Cookware related to chefs cooks kitchen jobs was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 452 visitors.