Original Tai Ping carpet - 100% single dye New Zeeland Wool Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 586 Times
If you are looking for an exceptional highlight to accentuate your executive home. Tai Ping was chosen to produce this carpet design for the palace in Singapore. This carpet was placed on display in their factory showroom in 1988 . It is a stunning piece with brilliant colors throughout. It is constructed of 100% "single dye" New Zeeland wool sculptured to perfection. This extremely dense carpet displays all of the colors and details as sharp as the day it was made. The size is 9'x12'. Original cost over $ 11,000.00 The condition is new. seven two 0 six 00 3two87
This classified ad about Original Tai Ping carpet - 100% single dye New Zeeland Wool related to artists theatres was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 586 visitors.