Arizona Classifieds

Ornament - P Buckley Moss Ornament NOEL, 1st In Series, 1991, Rare! Phoenix AZ

  • City: Phoenix
  • State: Arizona
  • Ad Viewed: 72 Times


Noel is the hard to find first issue of Pat Buckley Moss's ornament collection. It is 3-1/4" in diameter and is in mint condition. Included is the original box and certificate.

This classified ad about Ornament - P Buckley Moss Ornament NOEL, 1st In Series, 1991, Rare! related to babysitting was posted in Phoenix,Arizona. It has been viewed by 72 visitors.

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Noel is the hard to find first issue of Pat Buckley Moss's ornament collection. It is 3-1/4" in diameter and is in mint condition. Included is the original box and certificate.

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