Planting Cover crops? Bio-Calcium- Most Effective way to raise PH/lime Phoenix AZ
- City: Phoenix
- State: Arizona
- Ad Viewed: 41 Times
DON'T LET THE WEATHER RUN YOUR YEAR ! DID YOU MISS LIMING OR FERTILIZING IN THE FALL? THERE IS STILL TIME WITH AGRITEC'S BIO-LIQUID CALCIUM TO ADJUST THE pH AND RAISE CALCIUM SATURATION. THE WEATHER HAS BEEN VERY TOUGH ON THE NUTRIENT LEVEL IN YOUR SOIL AND PLANTS. AGRITEC'S PROGRAM CAN RESTORE THAT NUTRIENT VALUE IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. just want you to know my grass has never looked so good. Itâs the greenest grass I have ever had, that Advance Cal really works. I am going to apply again in May again to keep it green. Bill Craft Foristell 2018 my ground was so run down but I put that 55 gallon drum of Advance Cal on 20 acres and it turned it around. I am ordering a tote to treat all 100 acres. Austin 2018 YOU CAN ALSO APPLY BIO-LIQUID CALCIUM AFTER THE FIRST CUTTING TO BOOST GROWTH AND INCREASE THE CALCIUM SATURATION. WE ALSO HAVE A 20% SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN WITH CARBON ENERGY, ESSENTIAL TRACE MINERALS AND S SPECIAL CALCIUM THAT ATTACHES TO YOUR NITROGEN TO KEEP 50% OF IT FROM BINDING UP AROUND THE ROOTS OF THE PLANT. DON'T BE FOOLED BY IMITATIONS PRODUCTS, AGRITEC'S BI0-LIQUID CALCIUM BROADCAST and FOLIAR PROGRAM RAISES pH, CHEAPER AND FASTER THAN LIME AND UNIVERSITY RESEARCH HAS PROVEN BIO-LIQUID CALCIUM REDUCES THE NEED FOR N P K BY UP TO 45%, SAVING YOU MONEY ON YOUR SPRING FERTILIZER PROGRAM. There is still time to adjust that pH with Bio-Active Liquid Calcium which is the modern way and easy way to apply liquid calcium, add required trace minerals and carbon energy in your soil for your hay, pastures , and row crops. "I've never seen anything work like this, I applied in January 2018 and it greened up immediately. The cows have been grazing on it since then and cant graze it down. I am recommending this to all my friends." Manual Folsom, Mayo . 2018 "I didn't think your liquid calcium would work like it did. I did part of my field in peal lime and the other in liquid calcium and your product raised my pH in one year where I don't need anything this year. My county agent wants to know what I used to make that much difference in one year, I told him liquid Calcium. I am ordering this year for my other fields. I will send you the before and after soil reports." - Dwayne Wiseman 2018 Per your request please find before and after application of Procal ,soil analysis. You may wish to note that last year and the year prior, fertilizers only were applied however only the ProCal in March this year for the pH. Thus, the sole reason for the increased pH is the ProCal. I intend to check on getting you some photos. Rob, Yes sir, I recommend ProCal. : Today Jeff, the A&M soil testing lab manager, provided the soil test results â pH up 1.3 points to 6.5 since applying ProCal per your recommendation a couple of months ago. Also, everythingâs greening up real nicely for early May. Trent L 2019 Compared to AG lime that takes tons of product per acre, large heavy trucks and spreaders on your land and convincing a lime company to truck and spread on a small acreage food plot. Buck Bribe is compact and easy to apply with only 2.5 to 3 gallons per acre simply using a back pack sprayer ATV sprayer or tractor. For decades Ag lime has been used to raise soil pH levels and restore calcium saturation to the soil. This method, although over time can work, is slow, expensive and no longer the most efficient way to raise soil Ph. Bio-Liquid Calcium is a liquid form way to provide the same results as lime but in a faster more effective way, all while being on average half the cost of dry lime. Liquid Calcium has been studied and proven by 9 land grant universities that back the effectiveness of liquid calcium in fixing soil conditions and improving growth. AgriTec is a family owned company since 1976, and has helped thousands of farmers around the country in the past 5 years, save money on lime and fix soil pH. Liquid calcium not only saves on the cost of lime but can decrease fertilizer costs and herbicide costs substanchly, and most importantly increase plant growth and output. Users have consistently seen up to a 45% increase in production on hay, corn, beans, alfalfa, wheat and more. "I used 3 totes of Pro-Cal on my highland beans, and Nathan you are my new best friend. I produced 19 bushels per acre more than I normally do, all of my neighbors can't believe how amazing my beans turned out." - Kerwin Mann 2018, LIQUID CALCIUM IS RAIN FAST IN 1 HOUR AND HARD TO LEACH AWAY , IT ALSO FREES THE NUTRIENTS UP IN YOUR YOUR SOIL, WE CAN HELP RE-ESTABLISH THOSE NUTRIENTS. Importance of Soil pH: Soil pH is primarily an indicator for many combined issues in the soil. These issues can equate to seriously decreasing soil production and decrease the output of your fields. Calcium has many rolls in the soil and the plant, aside from directly affecting pH. Calcium is responsible for nutrient availability and uptake to the plant. Decreased soil pH can reduce the availability of nutrients in the soil by as much has 50%. When calcium is applied, and pH is raised these nutrients are released and become available to the plant, providing much better growth. This issue also directly affects fertilizer, when fertilizer is applied to low pH soil, half of that fertilizer is wasted and will not be available to the plant. This equates to wasted money and lost production potential. Grain: As many farmers know, not having the proper nutrients in the soil can break a crop and seriously hurt production. Soil pH plays a big factor in this equation, because improper pH indicates a nutrient imbalance in the soil. When calcium levels get too low nutrients can't move properly to the plant. Bio-active calcium is best applied early in the spring before planting, to raise low pH levels and boost the crop straight from green up. Weeds: Low soil pH also results in increased weed growth. These pests like broom sage or sage grass can be eliminated when soil pH is corrected. Bio-Liquid calcium has proven to rid fields of weeds and prevent germination of things such as sage grass. Liquid calcium not only saves on the cost of lime but can decrease fertilizer costs and herbicide costs, and most importantly increase plant growth and output. Users have consistently seen up to a 45% increase in production on hay, corn, beans, alfalfa, wheat and more. Orchard: Calcium is required for the health of the tree, in all the tissues, as well as in the fruit which is being produced. The fruit cannot compete with the needs of the tree, when calcium levels are low. As a result, calcium deficiency issues can be seen first in the fruit. In apples, a calcium deficiency can be seen as a disorder called bitter pit. Bitter pit is a physiological breakdown of the cell wall of the fruit, just below the skin. Calcium (Ca) deficiency: Deficiency also affects the growing points of the plant. Growing points may die, as a result. Younger leaves are also affected and are the first to show the effects of deficiency. Root tips can also die and root growth is slow. Both of these issues will negatively affect absorption of all nutrients. Crop yield can be reduced COVER CROPS AND WHEAT Matt Russcher Holland Mi 2018 said this on FB Hay King , "I can say we try it out for the first time on a field that had a lime problem and it totally worked spray more of our crops with it this year! We haven't tried it on hay but would like too. Been hearing that it works best on hay ground. " Bio-Active Liquid Calcium +BioActivator (which is a combination of 72 essential trace minerals,high carbon energy ) it's is the modern and easy way to apply 100% available calcium. It works within 35 minutes of application to START supplying needed calcium, required trace minerals, Special formulated 14% slow release nitrogen and carbon energy for maximum growth of your ROW CROPS, PASTURES, WHEAT, OATS,and RYE. To adjust the the pH by increasing calcium saturation levels. 1. For only $9.50 an acre I used BioActivator and grew phenomenal wheat! - Kansas Farmer 2. This product is going to revolutionize farming. - Georgia Extension Agent 3. We saved over 50% on the cost of fertilizers on our crops by using Liquid calcium - Nebraska Farmer 4. University research has proven Liquid Calcium, causes the nutrients in your soil to be 44% more available to your plants 5. Cut your nitrogen requirements by 50% My hay production has doubled on the fields I applied your Advance cal on. I am going to apply it to all my fields, that's why I have doubled my order this year. Dwain J Maddison 2017 Food Plots Our 100% organic Advanced-cal is perfect for your food plot whether you're planting your high protein perennial seeds, such as white clover, red clover, chicory, alfalfa, winter wheat and others or you're planting your high carbohydrates Annual seeds such as turnips, corn, wheat, rye, radishes, crimson clover oats, or a mix of the two. Not only is our product great for the crops you'll be growing for your food plot but since it increases ground coverage, root length and drought resistance it is a perfect product to add structure to your plot to make those hungry does that are feeding on it feel comfortable and protected while they eat and force those big bucks to venture into the center of the food plot looking for those does and right in your kill spot! FOODPLOT We used the liquid calcium on our food plots over two months ago and did not get rain until just recently even after the turkeys and dove had there way with our seed to our amazement a good amount of what we planted still came up not long after it rained. Question, do we need to reapply before we plant in spring ,Thanks Robert Taylor 2016 My foodplots were monstrous, I have never seek growth like that. We really had the deer come in. David C 2017 After using liquid Calcium and Bioactivator I have the best foodplots ever. My food plots were awesome. My clover was the best I have ever had. There were bare patches that the clover seed germinated and filed in after being there a year. David H 2017 Greenhouse: Our Bio-act liquid calcium and liquid fertilizers are perfect for greenhouse use sense you can use in a constant drip system or simply out of a backpack sprayer. Compared to AG lime that takes tons of product per acre, large heavy trucks and spreaders on your land and convincing a lime company to truck and spread on a small acreage food plot. Buck Bribe is compact and easy to apply with only 2.5 to 3 gallons per acre simply using a back pack sprayer ATV sprayer or tractor. AgriTec's liquid fertilizers are easy to apply using standard spray equipment. No license for spraying is natural food grade, and we take pride in all-natural, food grade, immediately available to the plant, no delay time and effective solutions. 3-18-18 FOR BEANS/ Alfalfa and 9-18-9 FOR CORN AND HAY or 21-0-0- 1 if you soil has adequate phosphorus and potassium , all can be applied as a soil treatment and as a foliar feed to boost overall plant nutrition. 9-18-9 & 3-18-18 benefits: ⢠Improves Overall Plant Immunity ⢠Improves Plant Vitality ⢠Seed Safe at Recommended Rates ⢠Quick Uniform Emergence ⢠Increases Drought Tolerance ⢠Low Impurities ⢠Large Stronger Root Development ⢠Reduce Crop Stress ⢠Improve Plant Photosynthesis ⢠Higher Brix Levels ⢠Greater Fruitation ⢠Increases Plant Maturity ⢠Increases Soil Nutrition AgriTec's Liquid Calcium and Bio-Activators: Pro-Cal: Liquid calcium for raising soil pH and liming soil. Applied with a sprayer, concentrated and purified to get rid of the impurities of dry lime, and eliminate breakdown time. Advanced-Cal: Liquid calcium for liming the soil mixed with micronutrients and organic matter to boost plant photosynthesis and increase carbon energy in the soil to boost root growth, and yield of the crop. Bio-Act: Mixture of 72 trace minerals and micro-nutrients. Provides a boost to growth and output of on average 30%. Form 14-72: Blend of 14% nitrogen and 72 trace minerals and micronutrients. Works great on corn, hay and pasture to increase nitrogen in the plant resulting in dramatic growth increase. Why use tons of lime on your fields that won't be available to your soil or plant for at least six months to a year or more when you can use 2.5 - 3 gal of Bio-Active Liquid Calcium per acre which is 100% available after being applied. This is the best way to treat winter cover crops or prepare for next years growth. What just a few of AgriTec's customers are saying: "I sprayed Bio-Activator and Liquid calcium on my beans 3 weeks ago, I can already tell the difference, they look so different from the other beans. I am going to use it on everything next year." - Tim B NC "My fields no longer have broom sage or weeds. The hay was so thick I had trouble cutting it. That's why I need some more liquid calcium for my other field it just doesn't look good. I don't want just the liquid Calcium I want it loaded with the Bio-Activator." Robert T "I wanted to let you know this was a field that we separated and treated half with your liquid calcium last fall. To say the least I am very impressed. We got 7 round bales per acre off this field and last year it was only producing around 4 bales per acre. Thanks again!" - John K. "We saved over 50% on the cost of fertilizers on our crops by using Liquid calcium." My food plots were monstrous, I have never seek growth like that. We really had the deer come in. David C 2017 Liquid Calcium is the most effective way to lime soil, and can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars on the cost of trucking and spreading dry lime. AgriTec's products have been proven to work time and time again. Servicing over a million acres a year and growing. Join the thousands of other farmers in using liquid calcium to manage your soil pH, and liquid fertilizers to restore needed nutrients to the soil. AgriTec will ship your order directly to you at no additional cost. Call to speak with a local soil adviser for pricing and more information on using liquid calcium to raise your soil pH levels and add liquid fertilizer to your growing program to more effectively add nutrients to your soil. Family owned and operated since 1976. CALL (800) 294-0931 Web: WE DELIVER DIRECT TO THE CUSTOMER
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